Thursday, November 18, 2010

lol blogger. this gives me seventh and eighth grade nostalgia

Sunday, March 7, 2010

This week in science, we started the unit of Energy we learned the different types of energy that there are and how they could effect us in the simplest of ways.
Some things that you should know before identifying what types of energies that there are and how they effect the different systems that there are.
Systems: a group of objects that strive for one goal.
We discussed what gave certain objects such as rubber bands, blocks and cars "chalk smashing ability".

For Example, we give a block chalk smashing ability, by lifting the block directly above the chalk that is standing on a counter by it self. and simply drop the blocks. This gives the blocks"chalk Smashing Ability.

Identifying systems: You could identify what is in your system by what different forces are exhibited on the system. For example, you have the earth trying to pull down an elephant that is in the air from jumping on a trampoline.
An initial system is when no external force is exerted on the system.
The Final System is when an amount of force has been exerted on the system and something occurred in the system.

When we are touching something, pushing something or even feeling something, we are exerting energy on that object. When we are lifting a book from the ground, we are applying a force upward defying the force Earth and giving the book "energy of going up".

Energy divided by mass equals acceleration. We know that all objects on Earth accelerates at a rate of 9.8 m/s or rounded up to 10 m/s. So we know that E/M=10
if we find out that the energy or mass of an object, we could calculate the missing variable that is left out in the formula.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

One concept that i could tell myself at the beggining of the week

Planetary orbit is based on initial velocity. The way the earth became a revolving planet is: there was an initial velocity that sent the earth at a great velocity. Scientists believe this was the great bang. over a course of a long time, the earth had lost most of the great initial velocity that it had acquired but still had some velocity left. Then it crossed into our solar system and was attracted by the gravity of the sun and contradicting to its initial velocity, the sun pulled on the earth. that is what caused us to go into orbit around the sun. the same thing happened with the moon. there was an initial velocity and it came to the earth and the pulled on it putting it in an orbit. This was very lucky to us because if we were further from the sun or closer to the earth, the earth would not have been able to support life.

On monday we discussed geographical features of the moon. here is a list of things that could be identified on the moon:

I am having trouble uploading a picture on blogger. so here is the url to a picture with rilles.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

This week in science

This week in science,I was not here on Monday and on Tuesday and on Wednesday.
i learned that there were different types of tides. these tides are:
Neap Tides: Lower tides than spring tides. these tides occur when the moon is in every phase except New Moon and Full moon.
Spring Tides: these tides occur when the moon is in New Moon phase or Full moon phase because the gravitational pull combined from the sun and the moon are greater than the divided gravitational pull of the sun and the moon.

We also discussed the importance of an equinox and what it is: it is when the earth is in a specific angled slant that the sun points to.
Equinox means equal nights. This happens usually in August when the amount of sunlight is equal to the amount of darkness.
Summer solstice is when there is more sunlight than night.
Winter Solstice is when there is more night than day.

We also had to do a simulation of how the earth possibly came into orbit around the sun.
The earth had to have an initial force when coming into the sun's gravitational pull.This must have started the orbit around the sun. To have started the initial force, that the earth came into the sun's orbit with an initial force, scientists believe this was caused by THE BIG BANG.

last week in science

last week in science, i did not learn a lot. i was out sick on Monday and had science Olympiad on Tuesday and had science honors biology test on Wednesday and Thursday and attended school on Friday.
So, on Friday, i learned that the moon causes the tides by its placement in and its relative position to the earth.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


This week, we started studying astronomy.On Monday, we started by looking at a simulation of the moon in its different phases when it is revolving around the earth. We learned the different phases of the moon:
We learned that what ever phase we see the moon in, the moon is always 50% visible.

Full Moon:the moon is fully illuminated by the sun's light.
Waning Gibbous: the moon is mostly illuminated,but is starting to loose its illumination and become less and less visible.
Third Quarter: The moon is half illuminated and half not.
Waning Crescent: The moon is more not illuminated than illuminated.
New Moon: The moon is not visible.
Waxing Crescent: The moon is gaining its illumination.
Waxing Gibbous: The moon is almost fully or more than half way illuminated.

We learned that the moon revolves and rotates at the same time. During the 29.5 day course that it takes, it slowly revolves around the earth and rotates a tiny bit. So, every day, we see a new part of the moon (or don't see) when it turns. For Friday's Homework, we were supposed to research how we get tides.
I understood it as this: the earth rotates every day. The moon cannot keep up with the immense speed of rotation that the earth does. The moon's gravity pulls on the water in the water bodies and tries to pull them off the Earth. When the earth rotates, and gets further away from the moon (during the day if not in Waning Crescent of waxing gibbous.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Newton's Third Law

This week in science, we learnt that if there is an arrow on a force diagram that is facing down, the object is accelerating or decelerating. It is not showing an object going in a direction.
Newton's third law claims that the amount of force exerted by an object gets exerted back on the object that exerted that the force. This is cenerio a i am using as an example: (to the left)
The young girl pushes the old lady and soon they both will go in opposite directions the same distance from the origon that the girl had first applied the pushing force.
Newton second Law explains that force is equal to mass multiplied by acceleration. F=(m/a)
And that concluded our week in science.