Sunday, February 7, 2010

One concept that i could tell myself at the beggining of the week

Planetary orbit is based on initial velocity. The way the earth became a revolving planet is: there was an initial velocity that sent the earth at a great velocity. Scientists believe this was the great bang. over a course of a long time, the earth had lost most of the great initial velocity that it had acquired but still had some velocity left. Then it crossed into our solar system and was attracted by the gravity of the sun and contradicting to its initial velocity, the sun pulled on the earth. that is what caused us to go into orbit around the sun. the same thing happened with the moon. there was an initial velocity and it came to the earth and the pulled on it putting it in an orbit. This was very lucky to us because if we were further from the sun or closer to the earth, the earth would not have been able to support life.

On monday we discussed geographical features of the moon. here is a list of things that could be identified on the moon:

I am having trouble uploading a picture on blogger. so here is the url to a picture with rilles.

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