Sunday, January 24, 2010

This week in science

This week in science,I was not here on Monday and on Tuesday and on Wednesday.
i learned that there were different types of tides. these tides are:
Neap Tides: Lower tides than spring tides. these tides occur when the moon is in every phase except New Moon and Full moon.
Spring Tides: these tides occur when the moon is in New Moon phase or Full moon phase because the gravitational pull combined from the sun and the moon are greater than the divided gravitational pull of the sun and the moon.

We also discussed the importance of an equinox and what it is: it is when the earth is in a specific angled slant that the sun points to.
Equinox means equal nights. This happens usually in August when the amount of sunlight is equal to the amount of darkness.
Summer solstice is when there is more sunlight than night.
Winter Solstice is when there is more night than day.

We also had to do a simulation of how the earth possibly came into orbit around the sun.
The earth had to have an initial force when coming into the sun's gravitational pull.This must have started the orbit around the sun. To have started the initial force, that the earth came into the sun's orbit with an initial force, scientists believe this was caused by THE BIG BANG.

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